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What SEER Rating Works For You

When you’re shopping for a new HVAC unit, you’ll likely encounter the term “SEER rating.” But what does that even mean?

The SEER rating is a measure of how much energy an air conditioner or heat pump uses to cool or heat a space. It’s a crucial factor in choosing the right HVAC system for your home because it affects both the amount of money you spend on utility bills and the number of CO2 emissions your system creates.

If you are unsure what HVAC SEER ratings are and how they can help you, this article is for you.

In this article, we’ll cover everything there is to know about HVAC SEER ratings, how they’re calculated, and why they matter. We also provide some tips on how to choose an HVAC system based on its SEER rating, including insights on how to save from HVAC energy costs.

What is a SEER Rating?

The SEER rating stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Wondering, “What is a seer rating?” It’s a way of measuring how efficient an HVAC system is at regulating temperature in your home. The higher the AC SEER rating, the more efficiently your system works—meaning it will cost less in energy bills over time.

How Does a SEER Rating Work?

A SEER rating is a measure of the efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. It tells you how much energy your system uses to heat and cool your home compared to other systems with similar BTU ratings. The higher the number, the more efficient it is.

The HVAC SEER rating is calculated depending on the cooling output (in BTUs) divided by the electrical energy input over a typical cooling season.

Here’s a breakdown of how the SEER rating works:

Cooling Season

The SEER rating takes into account the performance of an HVAC system over a typical cooling season. The cooling season is a standardized period of time during which the system is expected to operate under varying conditions.

Testing Conditions

The SEER rating is determined through testing conducted in accordance with industry standards. The tests measure the system’s performance across a range of temperatures and operating conditions to simulate real-world usage.

Cooling Output

The cooling output of an HVAC system is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs). It represents the amount of heat energy the system can remove from the indoor air to provide cooling.

Electrical Energy Input

The electrical energy input of the system is measured in watt-hours. It represents the amount of electrical energy consumed by the system during operation.

Ratio Calculation

The AC SEER rating is calculated by dividing the cooling output (in BTUs) by the electrical energy input (in watt-hours) over the entire cooling season. This ratio provides a measure of how efficiently the system converts electrical energy into cooling output.

SEER Rating Scale

The SEER rating is expressed as a numerical value. The higher the HVAC SEER rating number, the more energy efficient your HVAC system is considered to be. Higher SEER-rated systems can convert a larger percentage of electrical energy into cooling output, resulting in reduced energy consumption and greater efficiency.

What is a Good SEER rating?

A good SEER rating is an energy efficiency rating of at least 13.0, which means that it has a heating efficiency of at least 13% higher than the U.S. average. This is the minimum rating you can get without spending much more on your unit.

Here are some general guidelines to consider when assessing SEER ratings:

Standard Efficiency

Air conditioners with SEER ratings between 14 and 16 are considered standard efficiency and offer a balance between affordability and energy efficiency. These units can provide decent cooling efficiency for many regions.

High Efficiency

Air conditioners with SEER ratings between 17 and 21 are considered high efficiency. They offer enhanced energy efficiency and potential cost savings over standard efficiency units. These systems are recommended for regions with hot climates or for individuals seeking higher energy savings.

Ultra-High Efficiency

Air conditioners with SEER ratings above 21 are classified as ultra-high efficiency. These units are at the top end of the efficiency spectrum, providing maximum energy savings. They are typically more expensive upfront but offer significant long-term cost savings for those prioritizing energy efficiency.

What Do SEER Rating Numbers Mean?

The SEER rating system, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, is a measurement of how efficient your air conditioner is. It’s a number that’s calculated by taking your total annual cooling usage and dividing it by your total annual electricity usage. The result is expressed as a ratio with units of BTUs per watt-hour (British Thermal Units per watt-hour). It’s typically used to compare and contrast different models, but what do the numbers actually mean? 

Here’s what the SEER rating numbers mean:

Numerical Value

The SEER rating is expressed as a numerical value. The higher the AC SEER rating, the more energy efficient and cost-saving the AC system is considered to be. HVAC SEER ratings generally range from 13 to 25 or higher, with higher ratings indicating greater energy efficiency.

Efficiency Comparison

A higher SEER rating indicates that the system can convert a larger percentage of electrical energy into cooling output. This means the system operates more efficiently, using less energy to achieve the desired cooling effect compared to an HVAC system with a lower SEER rating.

Energy Savings

Systems with higher SEER ratings generally offer greater energy savings. Upgrading to a higher SEER-rated system can lead to reduced electricity consumption and lower utility bills over time. The exact energy savings depend on various factors such as usage patterns, climate, and the efficiency of the previous system being replaced.

Standardized Testing

SEER ratings are determined through standardized testing procedures conducted in controlled laboratory settings. These tests simulate typical operating conditions and measure the system’s performance across a range of temperatures to provide a fair and consistent basis for comparison.

Benchmark for Efficiency

SEER ratings serve as a benchmark for assessing and comparing the energy efficiency of different HVAC systems. They allow consumers to make informed decisions and select systems that balance energy efficiency, cost savings, and performance based on their specific needs.

Here’s an overview table of different SEER rating numbers and what they generally indicate:

SEER Rating Description
Less than 14 Low Efficiency
14 – 15 Standard Efficiency
16 – 18  Mid Efficiency
19 – 21 High Efficiency
22 and above Ultra-high Efficiency

Why is SEER Rating Important? 

If you’re looking for the best air conditioner for your home, it’s important to understand the SEER rating of your potential purchases. What is a SEER rating? It stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and tells you how efficient an air conditioner is.

SEER ratings are determined by measuring how much electricity an air conditioner uses to cool down your home when it’s running at full capacity. The higher the SEER rating, the more efficient the unit will be at lowering your utility bills. Wondering how effective your AC is? Checking its SEER rating is a good place to start.

Here are five reasons why you should consider purchasing a unit with a high SEER rating:

Energy Efficiency

A good way to save money on cooling costs is to buy an air conditioner with a high SEER rating. If you have an older unit that doesn’t have a high enough rating, you could be wasting money on electricity every time it kicks on.

Cost Savings

If you install a new AC unit with a high SEER rating and keep it running throughout the summer months (or all year long), then you will see significant savings over time. This can translate into hundreds or even thousands of dollars in savings over just one year!

Regulatory Requirements

In some states (such as California), there are minimum requirements for how efficient your HVAC system needs to be in order to pass inspection. If you live in one of those states, choosing an HVAC system with a high SEER rating may save you money on energy bills by helping you pass inspection and avoid fines!

Environmental Impact

Energy-efficient HVAC systems with higher SEER ratings contribute to environmental sustainability. By using less electricity, they help reduce the demand for energy production, resulting in decreased greenhouse gas emissions. Choosing a high SEER-rated system supports efforts to combat climate change and lower the environmental impact of energy consumption.

Enhanced Comfort

HVAC systems with higher SEER ratings often come with advanced features and technologies that contribute to improved comfort. These features can include variable-speed compressors, multi-stage cooling, and enhanced humidity control. They help maintain more consistent indoor temperatures, reduce temperature fluctuations, and provide better air quality, enhancing overall comfort in your living or working environment.

Different Types Of Air Conditioners With SEER And SEER2 Ratings 

Here’s a comparison table that highlights different types of air conditioners along with their SEER ratings and SEER2 (hypothetical rating for comparison purposes) ratings:

Air Conditioner Type SEER Rating SEER2 Rating
Central Air Conditioner SEER 16-25 SEER2 18-27
Ductless Mini-Split System SEER 16-30 SEER2 18-32
Window Air Conditioner SEER 10-14 SEER2 12-16
Portable Air Conditioner SEER 8-14 SEER2 10-16

What SEER Rating HVAC Should I Buy?

Confused? “What seer rating do I need?” 

Choosing the right HVAC system for your home isn’t easy. There are many factors to consider, from the size of your home to the number of people who live there, but one of the most important things to consider is efficiency.

The SEER rating tells you how efficient your HVAC system is at cooling and heating your home. But what does this mean? How do you know if it’s a good rating or not? Here are 7 guidelines for choosing a SEER rating:

Minimum Efficiency Requirements

First, make sure that your HVAC system meets the minimum efficiency requirements set by your state’s Department of Energy (DOE). Most states have these requirements ranging from 13 to 20 SEER for residential units. If you’re unsure about what your state requires, check with them directly before getting an estimate from an HVAC installer.


The climate you live in greatly impacts how much heating or cooling you need for your house and, therefore, how much energy it takes to keep your house comfortable. In colder climates, it takes more energy to heat a house than it does in warmer climates, where cooling isn’t as important.

Energy Savings

It’s important to choose an HVAC system that will be energy-efficient since it can make a big difference in your monthly bills. Look for one that has earned a high SEER rating (up to 20) or Energy Star certification. Higher SEER-rated systems generally offer better energy efficiency and potential cost savings over the long term. Evaluate your energy usage patterns and calculate the potential energy savings by upgrading to a higher SEER-rated system. Consider the payback period and whether the upfront cost justifies the long-term energy savings.


We get it—money can be tight! But try not to let yourself be swayed by price alone when choosing an HVAC unit. Instead, focus on finding one that will keep your home comfortable while saving you money over time. And don’t forget: if you choose an ENERGY STAR Certified product, some states offer rebates on certain models!

Return on Investment (ROI)

The most important thing you can do when choosing a new HVAC system is determine how much money it will save you in the long run by calculating your return on investment (ROI). This will help ensure that your system is worth the cost of installation and maintenance. For example, if you invest $5,000 in a new HVAC system and save $500 per year on energy bills, your ROI would be 5 years (500/5000=0.1 x 360=36). The higher this number is, the better! Consider the estimated lifespan of the system and the energy cost differential between different SEER ratings.

Environmental Impact

Higher SEER-rated systems contribute to reduced energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas emissions. If minimizing your environmental impact is a priority, opting for a higher SEER-rated system aligns with sustainability goals.

Professional Advice

Consult with HVAC professionals in Hurricane, WV, who can assess your specific needs, evaluate your home’s insulation and ductwork, and provide personalized recommendations based on your requirements and budget.

Get the Best Advice from HVAC Professionals in Hurricane, WV!

When it comes to the best advice on HVAC SEER rating, you can’t go wrong with the professionals at Best Virginia Heating and Cooling in Hurricane, WV.

We know that choosing the right HVAC system for your home can be a challenging process, so we’re here to help you every step of the way. No matter what kind of HVAC system you have, whether it’s a heat pump, a furnace, or a rooftop unit, Best Virginia Heating and Cooling is here to help! We’ve been serving the Hurricane WV community for over many years now, and we work hard every day to provide our customers with honest information and excellent HVAC service.

We know that there are many choices when it comes to choosing an HVAC professional in Hurricane, WV. That’s why we go above and beyond for our customers—we’re not just trying to sell you something but to help improve your life with top-notch heating and cooling equipment. 

Our HVAC technicians are trained in all things related to HVAC Services and Solutions in Hurricane WV, so they can answer any questions you might have about your particular model or brand. They’ll also help you decide which one is right for your home so that it will last as long as possible without demanding repairs or maintenance too often!
So, if you need help with AC Repair, Maintenance, & Installation Services in Hurricane, WV, call us at 681-655-1214!

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